Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jets vs. Steelers

This is going to be a great game. But before the game even starts there is going to be A LOT of trash-talking. These teams talk it up before every game especially the Jets. Last week they were trash-talking Brady and the Patriots saying the Jets would win. Bill Bellichik was a little more mature and made a public statement telling his team not to fight back. And look how that worked out for the Patriots? Yeah, that's what I thought. They lost. Maybe trash-talking isn't so bad. Now, about the game itself. Both teams have great defenses, both run and pass and rely on that mostly. Neither team has a GREAT passing offense but they're both OK the Steeler's is probably a little better but it's very close. Both teams have a good running offense but I don't think either team has the advantage. Mendenhall is more talented but he just doesn't have an offensive line like the Jets' but he's always solid and I count on him to do well against the Jets. But I don't think either run game will do well because both teams have top run defenses but if either team CAN run it successfully they will win. I think the Steelers will win because they have more playoff experience. I still think it will be very close and the Jets have a good chance.

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